5 Ways to Drive More Traffic to your Blog

how to drive traffic on blog

Many start-ups adopt short-term and short-cut content marketing strategies to increase their blog traffic. But one thing you should clarify for yourself: if you have to run for the long term, do something less will work properly? No. Leave this short-term way now. Instead, be patient and focus on what is necessary to drive traffic to the blog.

Getting traffic nowadays to blogs is more challenging than ever. In fact, the vast majority of published blog posts have no social shares. When you go through some blogs ten years back, things were completely different. Back then, getting links and social shares was relatively easy. You could publish 500 words blog post and call it a day. Flash forwarded to today, and things are entirely different. According to WordPress, 2.3 million blog posts are on digital platforms daily. So, for your blog content to stand out and get shared today, it should contain some uniqueness. Lucky for you, this is what this blog will explain to you. Let’s go STEP-BY-STEP.

How to Research Topics for Your Blog?

There’s no doubt that you have many ideas for your blog post but finding which one is better is the real struggle. This section will solve the everyday struggle you face in finding great content ideas for your blog. So, you will never have to worry about it again. We will show you some sources of great content ideas to fill your content calendar for the entire year ahead.

-Use a Keyword Research tool like Ahref to Identify Valuable Terms

-Researching the Competition.

-Check social media comments to know the user’s concerns & questions

-Google Trends

-Find ideas from Pinterest.

-Check question-answer sites like Quora

-Prepare a list of ideas.

Many such resources will help us find the trending and informatic topic ideas for our blog writing. So keep on researching and writing.

Using Of Heading Tags

Now you have a proven topic; it’s time to write your blog post headlines. For example, in B2B content-related blogs, you might have seen that 80% of people read their headline, but only 20% click over to the actual blog post. Is that fact true? Who knows, but the truth is your blog headlines are most important. So with that, here’s a strategy to write blog post headlines that stand out and get clicks on the digital platform.

The H1 heading is your title. It’s the title of your page, the title of your posts. So if you are on your home page, probably the homepage’s title is ‘home .’ And if you have a specific product listing, then the H1 is the title of your product. So you should always have one H1 on every page. It’s most important as it shows your reader and Google.

And then, you are going through the posts; you can use those next levels of headings to demonstrate the level of importance. That is, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6.

Write the Attention-Grabbing Introduction.

Topic check! Headline check!

Now it’s time to work on an introduction that grabs your reader’s attention immediately; HOW? Just let your reader know what to expect. Again, that PPT formula will help you.

This formula is like a full-power punch for content writers. By the way, the PPT stands for




Here is the formula breakdown; upcoming points will show you how it works.

Preview is the first part. This part couldn’t be simpler. When someone lands on one of your blog posts, they know they’re in the right place. Next is the time for the proof. You can start by showing some proof with personal results, years of experience, some clients, credentials, certifications, or anything that shows that someone should listen to your advice. Finally, cap your intro off with a transition. A transition that pushes your reader to keep reading. Such as, you can use the phrase, “Let’s dive right in,” at the end of the intro.

Write an Awesome Body of Blog Posts

Is there a formula for writing blog posts? So that people link to and share? No, if there was, everyone would use it. You can use proven approaches to make your content ten times better. For example, one technique that’s working well right now is appropriate subheaders.

Sub-headers are great because they break your content into easy-to-read chunks, which is essential if you publish long content. Some great content writers recommend using lots of visuals in every post you publish. Visual short includes





Next, use a font between 16 and 20 pixels. And if you’re using anything less than 16, you probably miss out on many readers. That’s why using 18 pixels font for your blog is good. Finally, when it makes sense, publish content that is at least between 1500 to 2500 words. So now the post is ready to publish on the digital platform. Then, it’s time for the next step: writing a conclusion.

Write your Conclusion

Professional bloggers know that conclusion is most important, Mainly when the company works on B2B Content Marketing Strategy. There are three-step processes for writing remarkable conclusions. First, it’s called the TAC process.

T- Transition



Start your conclusion with a transition. People know the core of blog posts is over, and it’s time to sum things up.

Next, it’s time to put some questions for engagement purposes. Here’s where you ask your reader a particular question. In other words, you don’t want to ask something vague like what you think? Instead, give your readers an insanely simple question that’s easy to answer. For example, which strategy from today’s post will you try first? Or maybe I didn’t mention one of your favorite SEO tips. And as you have seen, it will take a max of two seconds to answer the question. And you can end your conclusion with a CTA.

Your CTA can be whatever you want your readers to do next. You can ask your readers to leave a comment, share on social media, and sign up for your newsletter, subscribe to your YouTube channel. The clear call to action that you use is totally up to you. But the important thing here is you got someone to read your blog post. It means they really enjoyed your comment. It means you are ready for the next step.

Optimize your Post for SEO

There is much more about SEO. It’s hard to cover all topics in a single blog. However, SEO is super important for your blog post’s long-term success. So, let’s quickly cover three simple techniques that you can use to optimize your blog posts for SEO. Because the truth is, traffic to most people’s blog posts sometimes gets a high peak in the graph and flattens to almost zero. But when you optimize your post the right way, you still get a high spike in your graph, and your blog post brings consistent monthly traffic.

So the first point you can keep in mind is to add target keywords to your blog. Google and other search engines show more importance to words and phrases at the top of your page. So use keywords with proper keyword density.

Next, use short & easy to read URLs. When it comes to Google ranking, there is no doubt that short URLs work best. However, Google also recommends that short descriptive URLs are more effective in bringing more traffic to blog posts. That’s because Google & reader understands your page topic easily using short URLs.

Finally, add internal links & external links to your posts because this provides a more in-depth experience for your readers. But they pass along their own link authority. The more links you have, the more authority you get.

Quick Conclusion

This blog covered all the points on how to write a blog post, but here is the conclusion of all the highlighted points. Most blog posts, even good ones, fail because they are not promoted enough and haven’t been pre-worked on Content Marketing Strategy. Also, try to spend 50 % of your time researching & writing content and 50% of the time promoting that content. That’s how important content promotion is and how you get traffic consistently. You can promote content on social media, bookmarking sites, etc. That’s it in this blog. I hope it will help you bring up the traffic on your blog. If you are still facing any SEO-related issues, dive into our QServices website and meet with our expertise.

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